Distances from Lokossa

Distances from Lokossa to the largest cities and places in Benin. Have a closer look at the distances from Lokossa to the largest places in Benin.

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1 - 33 of 33 places

Abomey   to   Tchaourou
Distances from Lokossa to the largest places in Benin
Abomey Abomey1.82,15468 km 42 mishow
Abomey-Calavi Abomey-Calavi2.385,75574 km 46 mishow
Allada Allada3.20,09448 km 30 mishow
Aplahoue Aplahoué4.19,86233 km 21 mishow
Banikoara Banikoara5.22,487525 km 326 mishow
Bassila Bassila6.23,616264 km 164 mishow
Bembereke Bembèrèkè7.24,006413 km 257 mishow
Beterou Bétérou8.13,108291 km 181 mishow
Bohicon Bohicon9.125,09271 km 44 mishow
Come Comé10.29,20832 km 20 mishow
Cotonou Cotonou11.780,00083 km 52 mishow
Cove Cové12.43,55495 km 59 mishow
Dassa-Zoume Dassa-Zoumé13.21,672134 km 83 mishow
Djougou Djougou14.237,040342 km 212 mishow
Dogbo Dogbo15.41,31219 km 12 mishow
Grand-Popo Grand-Popo16.9,84742 km 26 mishow
Guilmaro Guilmaro17.6,516437 km 272 mishow
Hevie Hévié18.13,45064 km 40 mishow
Hinvi Hinvi19.3,60452 km 32 mishow
Kandi Kandi20.109,701518 km 322 mishow
Ketou Kétou21.22,341127 km 79 mishow
Malanville Malanville22.37,117610 km 379 mishow
Natitingou Natitingou23.80,892410 km 255 mishow
Nikki Nikki24.69,970403 km 250 mishow
Ouidah Ouidah25.83,50351 km 32 mishow
Parakou Parakou26.163,753317 km 197 mishow
Pobe Pobé27.32,983112 km 69 mishow
Porto-Novo Porto-Novo28.234,16899 km 62 mishow
Sakete Sakété29.30,111105 km 65 mishow
Savalou Savalou30.30,187146 km 91 mishow
Save Savé31.97,309177 km 110 mishow
Tanguieta Tanguiéta32.19,833446 km 277 mishow
Tchaourou Tchaourou33.20,971268 km 167 mishow

1 - 33 of 33 places